Update from the Appleby Board re COVID-19

The Church Board met in a Zoom meeting on August 18. The results of the “Return to Church” survey were reviewed. The numbers show that the majority of Appleby members are not ready to come back to church given the restrictions that are needed to protect everyone from the COVID-19 virus. The survey also revealed that most people are enjoying the on-line services followed by Zoom coffee time.

The Church Board decided that return to church is important, especially for those who do not have access to the on-line services. The initial thought is to have church-in-person about once per month. The first of these services will be on Sunday, October 11 – Thanksgiving. In the meantime, on-line services will continue.

For a further message from the Board re donations to AUC during the COVID-19 crisis click here.

We continue to remind each other at this time to be kind to others, especially those who are in vulnerable situations. Give folks a phone call and ask what you might do to help them.

Blessings all,

Dave McKenzie