Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care extends the Vision of Appleby United Church in its effort to be of comfort and support in time of need.

Prayer Chain Requests

A Prayer Chain is in place to pray for any need. Prayer chain requests can be made by contacting the church office at 905-637-2942.

Pastoral Care Needs

If you or someone you know has a need for pastoral support, please call the church office or  let our Minister know if you would like to have hospital visits, phone calls or other kinds of pastoral support.

Join our Pastoral Team

Appleby Church is always looking for more people to make visits or calls. Training is available. If you are interested, please contact the office at 905-637-2942 or

Do you know of anyone from Appleby who is in the hospital?

Please tell the hospital that the person is a member of Appleby United Church.  They will provide Reverend Allan with a list of AUC members who have been admitted when he arrives to visit.