Message to the Congregation about donations during the COVID-19 pandemic

With our church closed for the past six months and for the foreseeable future, the Church Board continues to meet to make decisions about Appleby life going forward. During these difficult times, Rev. Allan and others are working hard to bring the message of God’s love to us weekly via his emails and his message on the Appleby United Church website. Each week, we will see continued development to enhance the video worship experience which will help us all to feel closer together to God, and to each other as a community of faith.

We have also implemented a program of phone calls to reach every member of the congregation to check on how folks are dealing with the COVID-19 crisis, and to keep in touch. For some, these phone calls have been the first contact from the church in quite some time. Invariably, people feel good about being contacted and appreciate the effort.

For the time being, our church staff – Rev. Allan, Virginia, John and Christine – are all working reduced hours as the church building is closed to gatherings of any kind, however, they remain on the church payroll at their regular pay levels. For their benefit and the benefit of their families, we hope to continue to do keep their income whole if we can afford to do so. The Government’s Emergency Wage Subsidy Program will help to make this happen.

If you have been following the 2020 church budget process, you will know that our financial situation is not strong, with a budgeted deficit of almost $33,000 for this year. That budget was based on all we knew at the start of the year before the outbreak. With the tremendous support from the Congregation over the past six months and with the help of the Government wage subsidy programs to offset the lack of fundraising events, we find ourselves at the end of August in quite good shape financially. Apart from fixed expenses such as payroll and regional assessments (formerly Presbytery Dues), expenses have been on the low side with church closed.

And so, we call on all members of the Appleby family to continue to do what they can to keep our church going through these times. We realize that some of our folks have been hit hard by this crisis and their finances are stretched to the limit. Many of us, however, are retired and have incomes that are relatively secure. For those of you who contribute by PAR, thank you. Your monthly donations are keeping the “lights on”. If you are a regular contributor by envelope, we are asking for your help to keep your giving intentions real through the coming weeks and, maybe, months. Here are some ways that you can keep your donations up to date.

**NEW** By e-Transfer: If you bank on-line, you can set up Appleby United Church as a payee under the e-Transfer facility provided by your bank system. Sign on to your bank’s website and click on e-Transfers and set up Appleby as a new payee, using as the email address to receive payments. Include your envelope number and any Local/M&S split information in the Message box just like you would with your envelope. Your donation will be received by the church bank account immediately and you will receive your tax receipt from the church as per the normal process. Depending on your bank and account, you may be charged a small fee for the transfer.

By Mail or Drop Off: You can mail your envelope donations (cheques only) to the church. If you can get out and about, you can place your envelope in the mail slot beside the Spruce St door. Virginia will be in the office a couple of times a week to pick up mail and make bank deposits.

Via the Website: Go to and click on the “DONATE” button. This will enable you to donate to the church by way of CanadaHelps. Donations made in this fashion will be subject to a 3.75% service fee which is kept by CanadaHelps, who will issue you a tax receipt on the spot. The church will receive your donation less the service fee.

These are difficult times for all of us. Our prayers are for all members of the congregation and their families to stay healthy. We are all following the guidelines provided by our public health departments to wash our hands, stay at home and, when we are out, to practise social distancing. We look forward to a time when this has passed and we will all be together again for Sunday worship and all the other great activities that enrich our lives at church.

Blessings to all,

Dave McKenzie, Treasurer


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